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Easy Guard Drone T
The Easy Guard Tethered ground station has the same features as the EG, with the addition of a 45, 60, and 90 meter Data-Over-Power (DOP) intelligent network cable that provides power constant and secure two-way communication to the drone throughout the flight.
Easy Guard T being used
This feature allows unlimited flight time while transmitting HD video and telemetry, even in extreme weather conditions, and has the ability to hover precisely over the ground station without the need for GPS guidance.
Unlimited flight time and deployment < 30 seconds
Tactical and portable
Fully autonomous take-off and landing
Robust and weather resistant
Photos Easy Guard T
Like the EG, the EG-T is lightweight and portable and can be deployed on fixed or mobile platforms. Activation and operation are simple and can be carried out on site or from the remote command center.
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