Monitoring and inspection with drones in hydroelectric power plants
How to ensure the security of an extensive area, spanning thousands of square meters, with varying elevations, vegetation, and surrounded by water? These are some of the obstacles that security managers of hydroelectric power plants in Brazil face in order to deliver an efficient and agile monitoring and surveillance project. In addition to property protection, inspection is also a challenge for this sector, which needs to regularly perform structural checks and maintenance on equipment, requiring significant time and resource allocation from the team.
One of the innovative solutions that have been used in the security market for projects like this is automated drones. These aircraft have become an essential tool in the energy sector as they can actively monitor from the air, covering not only buildings and equipment but also the entire perimeter of the property.
"After listening to and understanding the challenges faced by the energy sector, especially in hydroelectric power plants, we introduced autonomous drones to Brazil. This solution is capable of conducting monitoring, programmed patrols, perimeter anomaly detection, rapid response, and inspections, among other possible applications," explained Kleber Reis, Commercial and Operations Director at Ôguen. "Since the equipment remains airborne during surveillance, there are no terrestrial barriers that hinder monitoring. Therefore, the solution can swiftly and effectively respond to incidents, providing operators with situational awareness," added the engineer.
As hydroelectric power plants consist of numerous buildings, equipment, and piping systems, conducting inspections with drones is a safe and fast way to visualize the entire facility.
The use of drones for inspecting hydroelectric power plants offers advantages such as:
• Quick overview and assessment of conditions;
• Sharp and detailed photographs of defects;
• High-quality images and videos;
• Planning for preventive maintenance and optimized production;
• Clear visibility in hard-to-reach areas;
• Reduced operation downtime;
• Ensuring the safety of the inspection team.
"Hydroelectric power plants are currently the largest source of renewable energy in Brazil, which is why both monitoring and regular inspections are crucial for the safety and integrity of dams and other structures. Drones can detect intruders, vandals, suspicious activities inside and outside the perimeter, conduct active surveillance, and perform missions to check for cracks, equipment temperature, inspect boilers and tanks, examine building roofs, detect leaks, and more," concluded Hen Harel, CEO of Ôguen.
To learn more about how automated drones work and whether this solution is ideal for your project, visit or contact us at +55 11 93389-8133.