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Blue Smoke

Lease of

Aluguel de Radar de Segurança Perimetral

SR 150

Aluguel de Radar de Segurança Perimetral

SR 250

Aluguel de Radar de Segurança Perimetral

SR 500

Aluguel de Radar de Segurança Perimetral

SR 1000


Magos Radars: what are they and how do they work?

O que são radares magos e como funcionam

Magos radars are currently the most advanced civilian sensors in perimeter protection of large areas. They have wide area coverage, reducing the number of necessary equipment, such as cameras and other sensors, for a complete perimeter security project.

With radar you get much more security for much less. Ensuring the 24h perimeter protection of your property in any light and weather conditions.

Where can they be installed?

Magos radars can protect various types of projects, such as: farms, sites, condominiums of houses, hydroelectric plants, photovoltaic plants, refineries, power plants and factories, wind farms, sea ports, electrical substations, prisons, mining, logistics parks and any enterprise that requires a secure and maintenance-free solution.

Onde o radar de segurança perimetral magos podem ser instalados

Everyone Wants - Now You Can Too!

Until now, the cost of the equipment was one of the only obstacles preventing customers from choosing our solution. Now this is no longer a problem: the MAGOS RADAR RENTAL has arrived.  

To serve customers who want Magos radars but still do not have the resources to purchase the equipment, we now offer the Magos RADARS LEASE with 20% off the list price. With the lease, you guarantee the installation of perimeter security at a lower cost/benefit in a short time.

Advantages of renting Magos Radars


You don't need entry to the lease.


Technical reserve guarantee throughout the lease period


Free updates


40% discount on contract renewal


70% off hardware purchase at the end of the plan


Lease Plans lasting up to 60 months, technical maintenance guarantee

Another advantage that companies guarantee when choosing the LEASE is that the expenses are deductible during the year in which they are incurred, thus impacting the IR and CSSL, as opposed to when you choose to buy the equipment with a amortization period that varies between 3 and 5 years.

How Radar Magos location works:

Get to know the complete step-by-step instructions for renting RADARES MAGOS.

First stage - project:

Ôguen has a projects department ready to help - you need to fill in this form with your project details and within 5 days you will receive a project with the number of radars, their positions, models and any other relevant information. If our project team has any questions, they will contact you within this period.

Second stage - integrator:

Does the project already have an accredited integrator from Ôguen? Excellent. Just let us know the integrator's name and leave the rest to us.
No integrator? Don't worry, Ôguen will indicate 3 to 5 integrators in your region available to serve you.

Third step - commercial proposal

The proposal for the rental of the radars is made by Ôguen and the proposal for the equipment integration and maintenance service will be sent by the integrators who are responsible for the integral project. Free competition guarantees the customer a lower cost of installation and he will be able to choose by the integrator that offers the best proposal. 

Locação dos Radares Magos

It's your turn to have the Magos radars in your security project

Now that you know all the steps to LEASE, it's time to start your Project. Fill in the form below with all the information and our team will contact you.

If you are an integrator and would like to offer the rental to your customers, the first step is to access your Integrator Area through the button below. Then just fill in the form with all the information and wait for our team to get in touch.

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